Does SAT Prep Help You Ace the PSAT?

Summer is a great time to get ready for the August SAT with Insight's comprehensive SAT preparation programs. Learn how preparing for the SAT can help your PSAT score.

Does SAT Prep Help You Ace the PSAT?

Summer is the perfect time to get ready for the August SAT. With Insight's comprehensive SAT preparation programs, you can be confident that you'll do well on both the PSAT and the SAT. It's important to note that any effort you put into preparing for the SAT will also benefit your PSAT score. We recommend that students start their SAT (or ACT) prep in the spring or summer before their third year.

Our test prep camp includes 10 comprehensive practice tests, so you can feel prepared for both tests. Whether or not it makes sense to specifically prepare for the PSAT (as opposed to just preparing for the SAT) depends on several factors. However, if you put in the right effort, any SAT preparation you do will also prepare you for the PSAT. The SAT is a more difficult test, so a perfect score on the PSAT (a 1520) won't guarantee a perfect SAT score.

It's clear that even the companies that administer these tests understand that preparing for the SAT and ACT will help you get a higher score. Taking the PSAT is a great way to estimate future SAT scores and identify which sections of the test should be given more attention when studying for the SAT. Studying for these tests isn't always enjoyable, but it's easy to see why getting good results is important. If you prepare for the PSAT, you'll just have to learn any pre-calculus calculations you didn't learn when you did it and work on time and endurance management to prepare for the SAT.

In addition, taking a practice test for the SAT is also a good indicator of how well you'll do on test day. Many college applications require SAT scores, although some schools have started to adopt elective testing, meaning that submitting SAT scores isn't mandatory. While the time for each question is the same for reading the PSAT and for reading the SAT, there are fewer questions in each passage; in addition, both Mathematics sections of the PSAT give you more time per question and fewer questions than the Mathematics sections of the SAT.