Everything You Need to Know About SAT Prep

SAT preparation courses are designed to help students get ready for the test by teaching them key math, reading, and writing concepts they need to know. Learn more about how to prepare for this important exam.

Everything You Need to Know About SAT Prep

SAT preparation courses are designed to help students get ready for the test by teaching them the key math, reading, and writing concepts they need to know. These classes may also provide students with strategies for taking tests and an understanding of the structure of the SAT. Developed in 1926, the exam is usually taken by third and final year high school students and is used by admissions counselors and scholarship programs to evaluate intellectual potential. The SAT was the most important litmus test for students until the late 1950s, when the American College Testing (ACT) exam was introduced.

As these two tests evaluate slightly different skills, most students now work with their guidance counselors to decide which one best suits their strengths. SAT prep classes are designed to equip students with test-taking skills and strategies to improve their scores. The course will cover the content and strategies of the reading, writing, and math sections. Upon completion of the course, students should understand the structure of the SAT exam, general and specific strategies for taking tests, and how to identify and handle difficult or complicated questions. Kaplan Educational Centers and Princeton Review are two of the largest SAT preparation companies in the country, but they are not the only ones.

Students can access the College Board SAT score converter for free to compare their new SAT scores with those from the previous version of the test. Khan Academy also collaborates with the College Board to ensure that preparation materials are aligned with what is assessed on the SAT. The amount of time needed to prepare for the SAT depends on several factors such as how much time you spend preparing, which specific areas you address, and your learning style. PrepScholar offers a complete online SAT preparation program that includes an enormous amount of material which can be overwhelming. Students can also access additional practice tests, a bank of more than 1000 practice questions, and four SAT preparation books. Although some universities are eliminating SAT requirements, many of the largest schools in the country still require applicants to meet SAT requirements.

In Prep Expert's virtual classroom, teachers break down SAT questions, show strategies for solving problems, and answer questions about content and methodology. Kaplan's company offers an online or live SAT prep course that includes 18 hours of live instruction plus 15 hours of optional additional classes. Self-paced online SAT prep courses allow students to study when they have time without sacrificing learning. Most Princeton Review SAT preparation courses also include access to ACT review materials which is an advantage for any student considering taking both standardized tests. Prep Expert is proud to hire some of the best teachers on the SAT including Clay Cooper who is their regular Weekend Review professor. Practice tests, webinars, and individual subject tutoring are great options for many students before taking the SAT exam but others may prefer to prepare on their own with a few resources.